Getting a divorce is one of the most difficult and life-disrupting experiences a person can go through. It can affect the emotional support system of your family and friends. Divorce also impacts you financially through your income, credit, savings, pension, insurance, and even taxes. The most difficult change is when divorce limits and regulates the time you spend with your own child (or children).

With all of this turmoil, it is not surprising that emotions such as anger, fear, and even resentment come into play and have the ability to cloud one’s better judgment. That is why it is important to have a good, level-headed attorney on your side to look out for your best interests.

In this changing world of litigation, it is difficult to do even an uncontested divorce without an attorney. Not to mention, it is near impossible for a non-attorney to complete the necessary paperwork for a divorce that involves children, even if it is not contested. As an experienced divorce firm, it is our goal to make your divorce process flow as smooth as possible. At Harris Law Firm, we understand the importance of educating our clients about their rights in regards to getting a divorce in Texas.

Types of Divorce

In Texas, all divorces can be categorized into three different types: Uncontested Divorce, Contested Divorce, and Divorce by Publication (each can be with or without children).

An Uncontested Divorce* tends to be the quickest, least expensive, and the least complicated way to divorce in Texas. To qualify, both spouses must meet all four of the following requirements:

  1. Agree to the divorce

  2. Reach an agreement on the division of all property,

custody rights, visitation, child support, etc…

  1. Utilize only one attorney to draw up paperwork and file

  2. Voluntarily sign all court documents without service on any party

If both parties fail to agree on any one of the four requirements above, then a Contested Divorce situation exists.

Divorce by Publication is necessary when the individual seeking divorce has no knowledge of their spouse’s whereabouts.

Division of the Marital Estate

Texas is a Community Property state. Many people take this to mean that a husband and wife own everything 50-50, but this is not exactly a true understanding of the law. In short, a community estate, upon divorce, is subject to just and right division; which can be more complicated than a 50-50 split. If knowing your rights and knowing exactly what you are entitled to be important to you, call or email us today to schedule your initial consultation.

Contact us for a Consultation

We handle all types of divorce and for your convenience, most of the work can be accomplished by E-Mail, Fax, Regular Mail, or by a conventional office visit. To get started, contact our office to set up a discounted initial consultation.

* Flat fees are available for uncontested matters